Missing teeth are a problem. A big one! Not only can they completely destroy your confidence and how you experience life, they can also ruin your health and your well being. Whether you have lost one tooth in an accident or all of your teeth have been compromised, any lost tooth is the beginning of a cascade of problems – unless it is properly replaced, that is.
Your teeth do more than look pretty in your face and let you chew. The roots of your teeth also keep your jaw bone healthy and stimulated. Without that stimulation, the bone begins to diminish. Because dental implants are surgically implanted into your jaw bone, they keep that bone stimulated. And because the replacement tooth or teeth have “roots”, you can eat what you like, speak with confidence, and may even be able to forget about using denture adhesive altogether.
Not only is a dental implant a long-lasting replacement for a missing tooth, it is the most naturally functioning replacement available. Dental implants really do feel like natural teeth. And while we can’t exactly call dental implants “permanent”, they do stay in place – sometimes for many decades – just like your own teeth. Unlike your natural teeth, implants are not susceptible to decay and are a trusted, secure choice.
If you are missing most or all of your teeth, ask us about implant-retained dentures. The only thing denture-like about these implants is the fact that they replace lots of teeth. Denture implants do not rest on your gums, require adhesive to stay in place, or need to be removed for soaking and cleaning. Instead, they are attached to implant posts and stay securely in your mouth so you can eat, speak, and live with total confidence and enjoyment.
We will refer you to a trusted oral surgeon for co-treatment who will surgically place your implant post. We will create, and later place, your beautiful and life-like porcelain crown or crowns.