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Gum Disease

Protect Your Heart, See Your Dentist in Fayetteville
added on: February 10, 2020
heart health month

Seeing your dentist in Fayetteville in order to protect your heart may seem like strange advice, but in fact, there is a strong connection between oral health and heart health. To help celebrate Heart Health Month this February, we’d like to educate our patients and neighbors on just how important… Read More…

The Great American Smokeout & Your Oral Health
added on: November 21, 2019
time to quit smoking

Every November, the American Cancer Society sponsors the Great American Smokeout to encourage smokers to quit. As we all know, smoking can lead to serious health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Your dentist in Fayetteville also wants you to know that smoking can have a negative… Read More…

Gum Disease & Your Overall Health
added on: June 10, 2019
examining gums with mirror

Your dental care isn’t only about your teeth. Your gums also play a key role in not only the health of your mouth but also the health of your body. At our dental office in Fayetteville, we care for your entire mouth and are always on the lookout for gum… Read More…

Regular Dental Care Can Help Your Heart
added on: February 11, 2019
heart health month

We all know that it’s important to brush and floss regularly in order to protect our smiles from decay and cavities. But did you know that taking care of your oral health can also help protect your heart too? To celebrate American Heart Month, our dental office in Fayetteville wants… Read More…

Vitamins You Need for Good Oral Health
added on: January 29, 2019
vitamins in palm

Making sure you and your family get enough of the right vitamins and minerals is an important part of helping your bodies stay healthy. Your oral health is no different. Kids and adults alike need to get the recommended amount of a variety of vitamins (and minerals!) in order to… Read More…

Can Stress Affect Oral Health?
added on: January 11, 2019
woman under stress

Being stressed out is stressful enough, but knowing that constant or repeated high levels of stress can actually affect your health and make you sick certainly doesn’t help either. Too much stress can cause serious health issues throughout the body including heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, and obesity. But the concerns… Read More…

How Diabetes Affects Oral Health
added on: November 12, 2018
diabetic testing

When it comes to all of the health complications that can go hand-in-hand with diabetes, oral health is often overlooked. At our Fayetteville dental office, we want our patients and neighbors to know just how drastically diabetes can affect oral health, and precautions that those with diabetes should take to… Read More…

Gum Disease vs. Gingivitis
added on: September 19, 2018
worrying woman

When it comes to gum disease and gingivitis, there’s often a bit of confusion between the two. Are they the same thing or are they different? Can they be treated the same way or not? What does it mean if you’re told you have one or the other? Not to… Read More…

What All Seniors Need to Know About Their Oral Health
added on: June 27, 2018
older gentleman

Getting older is a natural part of life, and as we age our healthcare needs tend to change. Oral health is no different. Our dental office in Fayetteville is committed to protecting smiles through every stage of life, and this month we want to dedicate our blog to the seniors… Read More…

American Heart Health Month & Its Link to Dentistry
added on: February 14, 2018
heart health month

You may be wondering why your dentist in Fayetteville is choosing to talk about heart health. As a dedicated member of your medical team, we’re not only concerned with keeping your teeth and gums healthy, but rather we’re committed to keeping your whole body healthy. And it just so happens… Read More…

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